Welcome to our first blog post!
To quickly introduce myself, my name is Hayley, and I have just finished my third year of the Kinesiology program at the University of Victoria. I am very excited to say I have joined the team at Kinectiv for the next four months to expand my education and learn what clinical is all about.

I have successfully completed the first few days of my internship at Kinectiv and it has been so much more than I was hoping for! After getting familiar with the office, meeting the team, and observing some patient interactions, I was able to set some goals with Dr. Bryson Chow for the course of the summer to make this experience the best it can be. I will begin by reviewing Mike Reinold and Eric Cressey’s Functional Stability Training video modules to get a better understanding of the assessment and management procedures as well as observing as much as I can in the clinic.
The first takeaway point I learned within the first couple of days from Dr. Kindy Parmar was that mobility is most important as strength will always return. This theme has carried through the first few functional training videos I have covered and it has helped me understand the progressions I have seen at the clinic.
I have already begun to become familiar with the patients who come in regularly for treatment and have been given the opportunity to help them through their exercises. The goal is for me to follow them through their recovery and progress their exercises as they become stronger.
There is so much to learn and absorb. Considering how much I have learned already, I am confident that the knowledge and new skills I take away from this experience will benefit me immensely in my continuing education!