Hi all! My name is Megan and I am an intern student that has joined the Kinectiv team for the summer. I am a Kinesiology graduate from the University of Manitoba and I will soon be starting my Masters for Physical Therapy in August of this year.
I am now half way into my internship here at Kinectiv Sport + Health and, let me tell you, my experience thus far has already taught me more than I could have imagined! Working alongside a team of dedicated and supportive mentors has not only prepared me as an upcoming Physical Therapy student, but it has provided me with the opportunity to utilize my Kinesiology degree. When I am not shadowing the Physical Therapists, you can find me working one-on-one with patients to teach them their exercises, doing research on different injury/disease cases, performing tecar therapy on patients, or giving back/networking through community outreach opportunities provided by Dr. Bryson Chow. Hayley (Kinectiv’s other intern student) and I have also began a new project in which we are creating an exercise database for Kinectiv Sport + Health patients to have access to (stay tuned!).

Megan Pascua, Kinesiology Intern
In addition, I have also been working closely with one of Kinectiv Sport + Health’s Physiotherapists, Sheree Budgell, who has a special interest in Pelvic Health Physiotherapy. As a future Physical Therapist, this experience has opened my eyes to a specialization that I may want to one day pursue.
I have gained skills and tools from my mentors here at Kinectiv Sport + Health that no textbook or university lecture can ever teach you. They have taught me the importance of patient-centered care, how to build personal connections, and, most importantly, they have inspired me to be the best Kinesiologist and future Physiotherapist I can be (you could say that I am definitely in good hands). I am so excited to see what else I can experience during my last month of my internship here!